25 January, 2019 14:52

   Majuro 25 January 2019: Expansion of the vessel day scheme (VDS) to cover longline fleets, development of new business plans to guide work of the Parties to the Nauru Office (PNAO), and stepped up management of fish aggregating devices are among key areas of work the PNAO and the Parties will focus on in 2019.

   “PNAO is moving to implement directives from our Ministers,” said PNA CEO Ludwig Kumoru. “2019 will see a great deal of work to strengthen the PNAO to increase the efficiency of management of the many elements of the vessel day scheme and the fishery as a whole.”

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15 December, 2018 19:27

Honolulu 14 December 2018 — Pacific Islands fisheries leaders expressed satisfaction with the actions taken this week by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to support sustainability of the fishery, minimum labor standards for fishing crews, and expanded participation of Small Island Developing States in the work of the Commission.

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14 December, 2018 09:36

   Honolulu 13 December 2018 — Pacific Island fisheries leaders want the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission to effectively address a serious management gap in the tuna fishery: high seas tuna transshipments.

   The existing Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) measure governing transshipment was adopted in 2009 and is intended for review next year. 

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13 December, 2018 08:27

   Honolulu 12 December 2018 — For decades, Pacific island fisheries officials were “driving blind” for lack of information on the commercial tuna fishery they were mandated to manage. Catch data, vessel locations, transshipment activity, use of fish aggregating devices, — this and more was controlled by fishing nations, with little information available to inform management decisions by island fisheries departments about their resources.

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13 December, 2018 08:16

  Honolulu 11 December 2018 — Ministers representing the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) members met in Honolulu December 7, endorsing the organization’s new strategic plan and adopting their annual budget for 2019.

   The meeting was chaired by Nauru's Deputy Minister for Fisheries, the Hon. Ranin Akua.

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10 December, 2018 21:24

Honolulu 9 December 2018 — Electronic monitoring of fishing vessels operating in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean is gaining greater focus following directives by the President of the Federated States of Micronesia and Ministers of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) members.

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10 December, 2018 08:31

   Honolulu 9 December 2018 — A total of 800 fisheries observers are at the front line for Pacific Islands to effectively manage the multi-billion dollar fishing industry in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

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8 December, 2018 18:24

Honolulu 7 December 2018 — Pacific Island fisheries leaders are calling on members of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to adopt a resolution to ensure conditions for crew on fishing vessels meet international minimum standards.

   Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) members, with the support of members of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), are proposing adoption of a resolution on fishing vessel crew labor standards to the WCPFC annual meeting next week in Honolulu.

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8 December, 2018 00:34

   Honolulu 7 December 2018 — Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean is being targeted for elimination like never before following calls by Pacific Leaders for “action to end illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing and associated activities.”

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4 December, 2018 15:38

   Honolulu 3 December 2018 — Following the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) officials session Sunday, the Forum Fisheries Agency opened its four-day briefing Monday in Honolulu for fisheries officials in preparation for the upcoming Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission annual meeting.

   At the opening session for officials from the 17 member Pacific islands, FFA Director General Manu Tupou-Roosen welcomed PNA CEO Ludwig Kumoru and PNA Office staff participation in briefing session.

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