24 November, 2020 18:52

Ministers are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sangaalofa Clark, as the new PNA Office Chief Executive Officer. The PNA Ministerial Chair, the Hon Sandy Alfred, Minister of Natural Resources, Commerce and Development, Republic of Marshal Islands said: “We are thrilled to be able to appoint such a high-quality person with Dr. Clark’s reputation and experience. Dr. Clark is a Kiribati national who has built a career in the management of tuna fisheries. For the last decade, Dr. Clark has led the PNA Office’s policy.
Dr. Clark responded by saying: “I am deeply honoured to be appointed into this new position. I acknowledge the great work of the CEOs before me and thank the outgoing CEO, Ludwig, for all the great work he has done.

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2 September, 2020 20:37

The following protocols have been developed to assist and guide the fishing sector, flag States, coastal and island State governments manage the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 on the fishing industry in the Pacific islands region. These protocols seek to guide practices that prevent the transmission of COVID-19 on and between fishing vessels and at port, and offer protection for both the ships’ crew and local populations at port.

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6 July, 2020 15:21

The global tuna trade is a multi-billion dollar sector and the small PNA island nations whose waters deliver half the globally supply of skipjack tuna for canning have been constantly attacked because of the commercial interests of 1 person. He is sponsoring the opposition against the development aspirations of our islands, for his personal gain.

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2 May, 2020 16:04

Today, the 2nd of May, marks  World Tuna Day. This year more than ever, the importance of celebrating Tuna , cannot be underestimated.

We see  globally,  economies shut down, the streets empty  and families in lock down at home, not just in New York,  but even in our  small island nations;  many of whom thankfully,   remain among the only nations in the world  still COVID  19 free, this  due in large part to self imposed border closures.

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20 April, 2020 19:58

Due to the high vulnerabilities of small island developing states and their economies to the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the governments of the PNA + Tokelau nations have each implemented strict quarantine controls to ensure the safety of their peoples. This has seen airports and sea ports closed or seriously restricted.

As a result, PNA + have suspended the requirement of 100% observer coverage onboard all purse seine vessels in PNA waters. Globally, RFMOs and regional fishery bodies have taken similar actions.

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26 April, 2019 05:47

   Majuro 26 April 2019: Innovative fisheries management has been the hallmark of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) since establishment of its office in the Marshall Islands in 2010, said the organization’s chief executive.

   “Thinking outside the box to benefit our islands as we strive for self-determination and control of our rights in our fishing zones has brought the PNA a long way the past 10 years,” said PNA CEO Ludwig Kumoru. “We still have a lot to accomplish and we need to keep challenging the status quo for our benefit.”

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2 April, 2019 16:25

  Majuro 2 April 2019: Western and Central Pacific tuna stocks are all in healthy condition, reported scientists with the Pacific Community (SPC) at the recently concluded Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Officials annual meeting in Palau.

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6 March, 2019 05:40

   Majuro 6 March 2019: The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) aim to continue advancing a broad range of fisheries management initiatives during a series of meetings scheduled for Palau in mid-March.

   A series of PNA technical meetings will be conducted from 11-17 March to prepare for the annual PNA Officials meeting from 18-22 March.

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11 February, 2019 06:39

  Majuro 11 February 2019: A Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) working group meeting of legal and technical specialists that opens Wednesday in Majuro aims to complete drafting of a new PNA fish aggregating device (FAD) Tracking and Registration Measure.

   The three-day working group meeting that runs 13-15 February in the Marshall Islands follows on two one-day workshops in 2018 that initiated the drafting of the FAD measure.

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