26 July, 2017 17:44

Majuro, Marshall Islands 26 July 2017: Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office (PNAO) in partnership with Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority and information management system service provider (QAC) ran a training and information workshop on the Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) and iFIMS (Integrated Fisheries Information Management System) in Manila on 19-21 July.

The workshop was titled “The Strategic Partnership: Way forward in VDS and iFIMS in managing our fisheries and our business in PNA.”

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18 July, 2017 17:52

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Skipjack prices in Bangkok have reached between $1,950 and $1,970 per metric ton, a slight increase since the end of June.
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8 July, 2017 23:16

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Tuna prices have risen continuously since April from USD $1,500 mt in Bangkok to USD $1,950 mt, a high that has not been seen for three years.

The high market price is attributed to low WCPO catch rates that have resulted in lower skipjack volume coming to Bangkok, coupled with strong demand from processors.

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24 June, 2017 10:01

   Majuro, Marshall Islands 24 June 2017: Pacific tuna resource owners concluded their annual meeting Friday in the Marshall Islands by sending a strong message of their commitment to conserving and managing tuna resources, while increasing economic benefits for the nine islands in the western and central Pacific that use the globally-recognized “Vessel Day Scheme” (VDS) to manage their fishery.

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19 June, 2017 10:19

   Majuro, Marshall Islands 17 June 2017: Just days after the UN Oceans Conference in New York City called for action to protect the world’s oceans and to address over-fishing, leaders from the islands that control waters where 50 percent of the world’s skipjack tuna is caught are meeting in the Marshall Islands to focus on management of this vast western and central Pacific tuna fishery.

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1 May, 2017 21:12

MAJURO, MARSHALL ISLANDS: The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) announced today the winners of its annual PNA World Tuna Day Art and Talent Quest.

Singer/musician duo Raychel & Richard Narruhn from FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA won the First Prize and $USD 3000 for their original composition “We Call Out to the World” (viewable on the PNA Tuna Facebook page).

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19 April, 2017 12:39

   Majuro, Marshall Islands 19 April 2017: In addition to regional fisheries management issues, last week’s Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) annual officials meeting focused on strengthening PNA’s institutional structure.

   “Improving administrative functions and financial transparency is essential as the PNA organization continues to expand its scope of work,” said PNA CEO Ludwig Kumoru following the meeting. He said the officials discussed in detail the costs of various PNA activities, reviewed an assessment of the PNA Office, and looked at other financial matters.

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10 April, 2017 19:31

   Majuro, Marshall Islands 10 April 2017: Adding value to the tuna fishery and maintaining cooperation that has led to great benefits for the Parties to the Nauru Agreement was the theme of Monday’s opening of the annual PNA officials meeting.

   The five-day PNA annual officials meeting kicked off Monday morning at Marshall Islands Resort in Majuro with Kiribati’s Principal Fisheries Officer Aketa Taanga handing over chairmanship of the PNA body to Glen Joseph, Director of the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority.

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7 April, 2017 19:53

   Majuro, Marshall Islands 7 April 2017: Nine islands that control the majority of tuna in the western and central Pacific are meeting in Majuro this week and next, focusing on important tuna management issues for the region.

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27 January, 2017 06:58

  Majuro, Marshall Islands 27 January 2017: Focusing on strengthening management of the multi-billion dollar central and western Pacific tuna fishery, and supporting innovative ways for islands to add value to the fishery are twin goals of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) this year.

   Among ongoing value-added projects being promoted by PNA that are expected to expand this year:

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