Title Key Document
MSC Certificate of Conformity LRQA Certificate 90119 PNATuna 210224 (145.47 KB)
PNA Observer Agency 2024 Annual Booklet PNA Observer Agency 2024 Annual Booklet (2.12 MB)
PNA 4IA Text as amended Sept 2023 PNA 4IA Text as amended sept 2023 (341.28 KB)
PNA Scholarship Policy PNA Scholarship Policy.pdf (185 KB)
PNA Vessel Register Rules of Procedure 2022 PNA Vessel Register Rules of Procedure (168.49 KB)
4IA Text as amended April 2022 A fourth arrangement implementing the Nauru Agreement relating to FAD tracking and fad buoy registration (351.71 KB)
PNA Observer Agency 2023 Annual Booklet PNA Observer Agency 2023 Annual Booklet.pdf (1.84 MB)
4IA Resolution Resolution of the PNA Ministers to adopt the Fourth Arrangement Implementing the Nauru Agreement relating to FADS (2.91 MB)
PNA Yearbooks PNA Office Yearbook 2020 (3.22 MB) , PNA Office Year Book 2019 (5.12 MB)
The PNAO Governance Framework The PNAO Governance Framework (2.27 MB)
MSC Chain of Custody Standard - Group V2.1 Certification MCOC_PNA_Group_V2.1_17July24_updt.pdf (544.13 KB)
TAE Decisions and Advisories Purse Seine VDS TAE Decision for 2021-2023 Final (361.41 KB) , Purse Seine VDS TAE Decision for 2021-2023 (223.94 KB) , Purse Seine VDS TAE Decision for 2019-2021 (230.02 KB) , Purse Seine VDS TAE Decision for 2020-2022 (214.82 KB) , Purse Seine VDS TAE Decision for 2020-2022 (345.72 KB) , Purse Seine VDS TAE Decision for 2019-2023 Final (209.75 KB)
PNA FSMA Observer Programme 2021 Annual Booklet PNA FSMA Observer Programme 2021 Annual Booklet (1.81 MB)
Administration of FSMA & UST-POA Sea Day and Shore Day Rates Increase for Observers on FSMA Vessels (180.57 KB) , Sea Day and Shore Day Rates Increase for Observers on UST Vessels (178.29 KB) , Observer Accommodation onboard FSMA vessels (252.46 KB) , PNA FSMA Observer Programme 2022 (1.81 MB) , PNA Circular on Prohibition of Alcohol Consumption by Observer on FSMA Vessels (138.39 KB)
PNA Strategic Plan 2019 -2025 PNA Strategic plan 2019 -2025 (2.27 MB)
PNA Resolution 01-2010 PNA Resolution 01-2010 (2.19 MB)
Delap Commitment Delap Commitment (1.97 MB)
PNA FAD Management Scheme FAD User Guide (5.3 MB) , FAD Logsheet (249.42 KB)
Independent Review of the Purse Seine VDS- Hagrannsoknir SF 2014 Independent Review if the PNA Purse Seine VDS (4 MB)
MOU Benchmark VDS 2014 MOU Benchmark VDS fee 2014.pdf (672.12 KB)
MOU on Bench Mark Fee for a Fishing Day under the Vessel Day Scheme Latest Resolution - Memorandum of Understanding on Bench Mark Fees.pdf (1.22 MB)
PNA Resolution 01-2013 Latest Resolution - 2013.pdf (2.75 MB)
FSMA Text FSMA Text as Amended by SFSMA5 - 26 June 2013 (refined 19 October 2013) (661.9 KB)
Longline VDS Text Long Line VDS Text Amended as at 14 Sep 2022 (289.15 KB) , Long Line VDS Text Amended 2021 (255.95 KB) , Palau Arrangement Longline VDS (118.92 KB)
Purse Seine VDS Text Palau Arrangement Purse Seine VDS Amended as at 14 Sep 2022 (328.49 KB) , Palau Arrangement Purse Seine VDS (591.86 KB) , PS VDS Text Amended June 2021 (323.09 KB)
Benchmark fees MOU Benchmark VDS fee 2014.pdf (672.12 KB)
Koror Declaration Signed KOROR DECLARATION.pdf (108.51 KB)
Bikenibeu Declaration Attachment P - SIGNED BIKENIBEU DECLARATION-UPDATED.pdf (1.27 MB)
2nd PNA Implementing Arrangement 2IA (10.13 KB) , Resolution of the PNA Ministers to amend the 1st and 2nd arrangement implementing the Nauru Agreement (3.15 MB)
1st PNA Implementing Arrangement 1st IA as amended September 2022.pdf (115.96 KB) , 1st IA (17.89 KB)
3rd PNA Implementing Arrangement Amendment to the 3IA_June 2024.pdf (165.72 KB) , 3IA as at May 2019 (173.48 KB) , 3rd Arrangement PNA.pdf (460.6 KB) , 3IA Amendment_EHS Closure removal_13Jun2014.pdf (858.12 KB) , 3IA Amendment_Extended FAD Closure and Mesh_2011.pdf (1.66 MB) , 3IA Amendment_11September 2010.pdf (103.13 KB)
Presentation on PNA Free school MSC PNA Free school msc june 2017.pdf (1.15 MB) , PNA 100% committed to real change.pdf (1.28 MB)
Palau Arrangement for the Management of the Western Pacific Fishery Palau Arrangement amended as at Sep 2022 (197.24 KB) , Palau Arrangement amended as at Jun 2017 (124 KB) , Palau Arrangement amended as at Mar 2015 (123.93 KB) , The Palau Arrangement amended as at Sep 2010 (141.17 KB)
Nauru Agreement The Nauru Agreement Text (84.02 KB)