PNA Members Prioritise Tuna Value Chain Participation
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Officials of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), a weeklong gathering, concluded on March 14, 2025, at the PNA Office (Headquarters/Building) in Majuro, Marshall Islands. Representatives from the Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu attended the meeting, with Tokelau participating as an observer.
The meeting reviewed PNA programmes and policies and made substantial decisions on PNA fisheries management, compliance, and development initiatives.
Prioritising Tuna Value Chain Participation
Officials agreed on the need to give greater priority to tuna value chain participation in the work of PNA, including making Tuna Development Initiatives a standing item on their agenda and meeting separately on the East New Britain, Pacific Islands Tuna and associated initiatives.
Another Successful Year for the VDS
Officials noted that the Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) continues to be successfully executed by all PNA member countries. Effort increased in 2024, but was effectively managed to stay within the agreed total allowable effort (TAE). The Federated States of Micronesia Arrangement (FSMA), providing preferential access for domestic vessels, reached its highest in terms of vessels licensed under the arrangement since 2015, with 93 vessels registered, reflecting a 7% increase from 2023.
Strengthening Compliance
Officials agreed to recommendations from the PNA Compliance Committee, focused on verifying the authenticity of vessel logsheets; and strengthening the processes for compliance between PNA Members, as well as at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission level.
Renewed Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification
Officials welcomed the renewal of the MSC certification of the PNA purse seine fishery for another 5 years, subject to some important conditions for improvement in the fishery. Officials also welcomed the extension of the scope of the certification to cover catches from FAD fishing, confirming the sustainability of the purse seine FAD fishery in PNA waters. The renewal would provide global canned tuna consumers continued access to MSC certified products from the largest sustainable tuna fishery in the world.
PNA Observer Programme (POA)
2024 was a record year for the POA in terms of the numbers of vessels, trips and observer seas-days. Officials expressed appreciation for the valuable work of the POA and the national observer programs. They also expressed appreciation for the observer annual awards and suggested the scope of the award scheme might be extended.
Effective PNA Office Management
Officials noted the progress in strengthening the PNAO Office, including the ongoing Efficiency Review and review of the PNA Regulations. The Office continues to demonstrate robust financial strength and maintain a high level of fiscal independence, ensuring sustainable operations and the ability to effectively achieve strategic goals.
Reflecting the importance of developing PNA tuna fisheries capacities, Officials approved the PNA Capacity Development Program Roadmap and Operation Plan.
The meeting concluded with successful outcomes, marked by collaborative discussions, actionable strategies, and a shared commitment among the PNA Members to further the success in sustainable tuna management and development. The next PNA Annual Officials’ Meeting will be held in March 2026 in Majuro.