Monthly Updates

  • Based on preliminary figures (and revised data), the Jan overall purse seine fishing effort increased while overall catch rate and total catch decreased. Fleet concentration continued to be focused in the western zones.
  • Overall effort increased by 5% to 3,998 days in Jan with highest concentration in PG and SB EEZ alone combined and accounted for around 56%. Overall fishing intensity increased by 5% for the month while intensity in EEZs increased by 8%. Preliminary data in early Feb showed similar concentration as in Jan being heaviest in PG, SB, and KI in that order.
  • The overall average day catch in Jan was 31t with highest rates in NR and TV, at 43t and 34t respectively. Catch rate for SKJ dropped to 23t but early Feb data pointed to an even lower catch rate of 15t.
  • The Jan overall catches marginally dropped by 1% to 121,873t mainly due to the decrease in the SKJ component. On the other hand, other catches increased except for large YFT. PG and SB accounted for 54% of total catch.
  • Reported total transhipped volume stayed steady at about 69,600t with most transhipping through PG, FM and MH. These accounted for 75% of total.
  • Bangkok SKJ prices in Jan as reported by Thai Union remain flat at $1,540/mt while the Singapore MGO price rose by 2% to an average $695/mt. The SKJ and MGO price differential decreased.
  • La Niña conditions continue, but forecasters estimate a 66% chance of a switch to neutral in March–May. This is looking like a weak and short La Niña. Also, while La Niña’s ocean conditions are currently weak, the atmospheric component is fairly strong.
Monthly Updates