Monthly Updates

  • Based on preliminary figures for Jun (and revised data), overall purse seine fishing effort marginally increased, and fishing intensity (fishing days/calendar day) moderately rose while overall catch rate marginally declined. This resulted in total catch remaining at previous relatively high level. Fleet concentration remained heaviest in the north-west as ENSO-neutral conditions prevailed.
  • Overall effort slightly increased 2% in Jun and the distribution across zones showed heaviest concentrations in PG and FM that combined, accounted for 74% of total. The overall increase in fishing intensity came from the increase in EEZs as intensity in HS declined. Preliminary data for early Jul shows that PG EEZ continues to have heaviest concentration of effort.
  • Overall catch in Jun was the same as in May as the decline in SKJ catch was equally offset by the increases in other species. PG and FM accounted for 77% of total and similar distribution pattern shows for early Jul data.
  • Overall catch rate maintained at last month’s level with a mix of performances across zones. Catch rates increased in KI, MH, NR, SB and HS (highest) with decreases in FM, PG, PW and TV. SKJ catch rate declined 6% while catch rates for all other species improved. With the FAD ban in place, early Jul data shows there has been around 40% reduction in overall daily catch rate.
  • Reported total transhipped volume increased to more than 92,000t, mostly through FM and PG that jointly accounted for 88%.
  • Bangkok SKJ prices in Jun as reported by Thai Union rose to $1,580/mt from May. The Singapore MGO price edged down marginally to an average $744/mt and the differential between the prices widened by 15%.
  • The ENSO index for the Apr-Jun period reduced to +0.40C (Neutral) from +0.70C (Weak). The latest weekly data shows a range of -0.10C – +0.50C SST departures across most of the Pacific and NOAA forecasts transition from ENSO-neutral to La Nina by Aug-Oct period.