• Based on preliminary figures for Aug (and revised data), overall purse seine fishing effort edged up slightly with a similar margin of increase in fishing intensity (fishing days/calendar day) while overall catch rate declined as did total catch. Fleet concentration remained heaviest in the west as ENSO-neutral conditions prevailed.    
  • Overall effort increased 2% to 3,672 days in Aug and the distribution across zones showed just about half was in PG and combined with FM, accounted for 68% of total. The slight overall increase in fishing intensity came despite a pronounced increase in HS as intensity in EEZs steadied. Preliminary data for early Sep showed that fleets concentration in PG EEZ has moderated while there has been an increase in FM EEZ.
  • VDS usage in Aug was steady at 3,523 but 4% higher on YTD comparison and total usage by year-end is for around 40,000 days. 
  • The average day catch in Aug was lower by 19% at 31t, second month of decline, as catch rates decreased across all zones except for MH and TV with the highest catch rates in TV and HS, 84t and 75t respectively. Catch rates for SKJ declined, 21% to 26t, as did catch rate for small YFT. Large YFT catch rate was unchanged at 2.1t while large and small BET catch rates increased 19% and 23% respectively. Early Sep data showed decline of 33% to 21t in overall daily catch rate.
  • The overall catch in Aug was lower by 17% at 112,000t driven largely by lower SKJ catch. PG accounted for 50% of total catch.
  • Reported total transhipped volume decreased by 5% to 79,000t, mostly through PG and FM with both accounting for 73%.
  • Bangkok SKJ prices in Aug as reported by Thai Union reduced to $1,250/mt compared to Jul. The Singapore MGO price declined to an average $696/mt and the differential between the prices reduced significantly.
  • The ENSO index for the Jun-Aug period reduced to +0.1 Degrees Celsius (Neutral) from +0.2 Degrees Celsius (Neutral). The latest weekly data showed all Nino Regions in negative territory except for Region 4 (western) at +0.2 Degrees Celsius. NOAA forecasts transition to La Nina by Sep-Nov period.
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