• Based on preliminary figures (and revised data), the Sep m-o-m overall purse seine fishing effort increased and the higher fishing intensity (fishing days/calendar day) with a similar overall catch rate resulted in an increase in total catch. Fleet concentration remained heaviest in the west as ENSO-neutral conditions prevailed.
  • Overall effort increased 7% to 3,799 days in Sep with heaviest concentrations in PG and FM EEZs for a combined 66% of total. The overall increase in fishing intensity occurred in both HS and most of EEZs following reopening of FAD-fishing as of mid-Aug. Preliminary data for early Oct showed a broadly similar pattern of fleet distribution.
  • VDS usage in Sep at 3,584 days was a +5% m-o-m and a +6% y-t-d and total usage by year-end is estimated at around 40,000.
  • The average day catch in Sep was broadly similar at 34t, as decreases in catch rates across most zones were only slightly offset by increases in MH, PG and SB. The highest catch rates were in HS and PG, 43t and 41t respectively. Catch rate for SKJ broadly steadied at 28t while all other species catch rates increased except for large BET. Early Oct data showed declines of 20% to 27t in overall daily catch rate driven by a 27% decline in SKJ catch rate.
  • The Sep overall catch was up 8% to almost 130,000t as catches for all species increased. PG accounted for 65% of total catch.
  • Reported total transhipped volume decreased by 6% to just under 74,000t with most transhipping through PG and FM and both accounted for 62% of total.
  • Bangkok SKJ prices in Sep as reported by Thai Union improved to $1,400/mt from $1,250/mt in Aug. The Singapore MGO price declined to an average $657/mt and the divergence in prices reversed the previous month’s price differential narrowing trend.
  • The ENSO index for the Jul-Sep period persisted with neutral conditions. The latest weekly data showed all Nino Regions in negative territory except for Region 4 (western) and NOAA projects a weak and short duration La Nina by Sep-Nov period.
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