• Based on preliminary figures (and revised data), Feb saw decreases in overall purse seine fishing effort, overall catch rate, and total catch. Fleet concentration remained heaviest in the west as ENSO-La Niña conditions continued.
  • Overall effort dropped 10% to 3,511 days in Feb with highest concentration in PG accounting for 48%. Overall fishing intensity in EEZs marginally decreased while intensity in HS increased by 12%. Preliminary data in early Mar showed similar concentration as in Feb being heaviest in PG.
  • The overall average daily catch rate in Feb was 26t with highest rates in NR and PG, at 34t and 29t respectively. Catch rate for SKJ dropped to 18t but early Mar data pointed to an even lower catch rate of 14t.
  • The Feb overall catches declined by 30% to 128,265t mainly due to the decrease in the SKJ component. On the other hand, only large BET increased while all others decreased. PG accounted for 53% of total catch.
  • Reported total transhipped volume dropped to about 53,635t with most transhipping through PG, MH, and KI. These accounted for 81% of total.
  • Bangkok SKJ prices in Feb as reported by Thai Union increased to $1,700/mt while the Singapore MGO price decreased by 2% to an average $683/mt. The SKJ and MGO price differential increased drastically.
  • La Niña conditions persisted through February, but forecasters expect ENSO-neutral conditions to develop in the next month and persist through the Northern Hemisphere summer.
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